
Saturday, January 10, 2015

Blind Date

Blind Date
  1. Who is looking for the perfect partner this week?

Matt 29, a climate change scientist form Balham, South London.
start sign; CAPRICORN
I travel a lot in my job. I go to meetings and conferences all over the world. It's great for me. because I studied oceanography and environmental science at university. After university I spent a lot of time at sea on scientific research ships. Now I'm back in London, It's much better for my social life. I have a lot of friends.

But I miss the sea, so, in summer, when I wqant to relax, I like going to the coast, and sometimes I spend the weekend camping with friends, having barbecues and diving or surfing. It's great to get away from the city and go to a different world.

I also enjoy weekends in London. I like meeting friends, having a few beers, going to a football match. I'm an Arsenal fan. I sometime go clubbing but not very often, and I love Indian food. I go to Indian restaurant at least once a week.

Who is his perfect partner?
My perfect partner is outgoing, funny, and good to talk to. She dresses nicely, But isn't too worried about fashion. Someone who enjoys having a good time in the city but also likes travelling, sports, and country life.
This is very important to me.

  • Who do you think Matt will pick from these three lovely girls?

Start sign: SCORPIO
Live: Camden ?Town, North London
Job: A lawer, Love her job, but it's hard work so she needs to relax.
Interests: Dancing, going to clubs, pubs, and the cinema. Meeting friends to exchange news. (I have lots of friends.)Visiting art gallaries sometimes.
Hates: Men whpo are crazy about football. 
Clothes: Love designer clothes. " I spend too much money on clothes".
Food: Italian, French, and a McDonald's " but only after a night out clubbing".
Love life: Lots opf boyfriend. Last relationship ended a few weeks ago.
Perfect partner: Good-looking, good fun and good to talk to.

BETH, 25
Start sign: PISCES
Live: Clapham, South London
Job: Bookstore manager, " I love working with books".
Interests: Reading, the theatre, art gallaries, cycling (" I cycle to work"), and walking. " Sometime I really need to get out of London and walk in the country".
Hates: "I can't think of anything".
Clothes: Comfortable. " I like to look nice but I don't think  too much about clothes".
Food: Vegetarian. Loves Indian food because " there are so many delicious veggie, dishes".
Love life: One long relationship, ended six months ago.
Perfect partner: Someone who's kind and good to talk to, who likes both town and country life

Start sign: CAPRICORN
Live: Canary Wharf, by the River Thames.
Job: Fashion designer. " I started studying art history, but changed to fashion design".
Interests: travelling, skiing ( I'm learning to snowboard now"), going out with friends to restaurants, bars, and clubs.
Hates: People who smoke.
Clothes: " Of course, I love clothes. I always try to look good, but I like to be casual and comfortable sometimes.
Food: Love all food. " It's a problem. I just love going out to restaurents, all kinds.
Love life: Two long reletionship. One just finished.
Perfect partner: Good-looking and good fun. Someone who like sports, travel, and adventure.

2. Listening

  • Listen to Matt. Who did he choose?why?What happened on the date? Are they going to meet again? 

Interviewer and Matt

I : So, Matt, Which lovely lady did you choose and why did you choose her?
M: Well, they all  looked lovely and at first I thought " Oh I'll choose Holly, Shesounds sporty and good fun". But in the end I chose Beth. I chose her because I like her eyes, and because she seemed a bit different from the other London girls. Best of all, I liked the favt that she couldn't think of anything that she hated.
I: So tell us about the date. What happned when you met?
M:  Well, I arrived first at the restaurant-an Indian restaurant, of course, and when Beth walked in -er I could see she was nice-looking, but she seemed quite nervous-er, shy, and perhaps a bit embarrassed by being on a date with a stanger....but I liked that. We ordered our meals, and she tried to tell me why she was vegetarian, I felt a bit guilty because I ordered chicken curry, but it was OK, we laughed about it, and after that she started to relax and we began to really enjoy ourselves. I told her that she was very barave to cycle in London. because I know I cansurf and swim in rough seas, but I really couldn't ride a bike in the London rush hour. But she said it's fine if you're careful. she was really interested in my job and my time at sea. We both agreed that one dat we'd like to move out of London and live in the country- I'd like to be beside the sea, of course. Suddenly it was midnight and time to part. we're going to meet again next week. There's a lot more I'd like to know about Beth.

  • Listen to the girl he chose. What impression do you get of the couple? ?What kind of people are they? Do you think they will stay together? why?

Interviewer and Beth

I:  And now Beth. What did you think of the date, Beth?
B:  Oh, I liked Matt a lot, the moment I saw him, but I felt so nervous. I was amazed he chose me and at first I just couldn't speak, But he was really kind. He asked me about my job and said how brave- anyway, soon we were laughing like old frieneds. I think he's very good-looking. He has a really interesting job and he's very funny. I hope I'm interesting enough for him. Anyway, he's coming to see me at the bookshop next week and we're going to have lunh together. Who knows? I'd love to go camping with him one day.

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